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Consortium Agreement

A consortium agreement is an arrangement between two colleges that considers enrollment at both institutions for financial aid purposes.

Consortium agreements can now be applied to all Idaho colleges and universities. The deadlines to have your completed forms turned in are:
  • Fall/Spring: 10th day of each semester
  • Summer: We will accept completed forms through the summer census date of June 9th

How do Consortium Agreements work?

Combine Credits for Aid Purposes

If you are taking classes at more than one of the Idaho colleges in the consortium, your credits can be combined for financial aid purposes. With an approved consortium agreement, you can potentially increase your financial aid eligibility.

In order to combine credits, you need to submit a completed Idaho Consortium Agreement form for approval each semester. Please send your completed agreement to

Home Institution: The institution where you are currently seeking a degree and where you will receive federal financial aid.

Host Institution: The institution(s) where you are taking courses which apply to your degree at your home institution.

Example: You are taking 9 credits at Boise State (home institution) and 3 credits at College of Western Idaho (host institution). With an approved consortium agreement, you will be considered full-time (12 credits) and be eligible for full-time aid at Boise State.

Eligibility Criteria

You’ll find comprehensive eligibility information in the Consortium Agreement Form.  Under the “Student Certification” section on the form, you confirm you meet the following criteria for the agreement:

  • You must complete the financial aid application process at your home institution. All requested documentation and other information requested must be submitted before the agreement may be approved
  • You allow the indicated institutions to share information regarding registration, transcripts, and financial aid.
  • You must be enrolled in at least 3 credits at the home institution to be eligible.
  • Courses you take at the host institution must apply toward your stated degree at your home institution.
  • You are bound by the financial aid deadlines and census date at your home institution.
  • You must be pursuing a degree up to and including a first bachelor’s degree. Coursework for a degree beyond the first bachelor’s degree is ineligible for approval.
  • Remedial credits taken at the host institution are excluded from approval.
  • You agree to inform the financial aid office at your home institution immediately if you have any changes to enrollment at the host institution. Enrollment changes can impact your eligibility for aid and you may need to pay back previously disbursed funds.
  • You may only receive federal financial aid from the home institution.
  • You are required to notify the home institution of any other sources of financial assistance (scholarships, tuition waivers, etc) you receive from the host institution.
  • You cannot be on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) warning, probation, or an academic plan. The home school SAP standards will be used to determine your initial and continued financial aid eligibility.

Other Important Considerations

  • If you are already full-time at Boise State, there is no reason to do a Consortium Agreement.
  • While Boise State is the home institution, you can only use credits at other Idaho universities/colleges. If you are attending a different university outside of Idaho, check with them to see if they will allow Boise State to be your host institution.
  • The aid earned at your home institution will never automatically cover your fees at your host institution. If there are funds left over, you will receive a refund that you can use to pay your host institution.
  • Ensure that you are enrolled in the classes in your form before submitting. It can take 4-5 weeks for us to process the form during peak periods.
  • Be aware of dates and deadlines for disbursement and payment at both institutions. You are responsible for any late fees incurred.
  • You will have to submit official transcripts from each semester you enter into a consortium agreement. Notify our office once you have submitted the transcript if the To Do item remains on your account.