Enrollment swap is a feature that allows students to exchange two courses without requiring the procedure of dropping one course in order to add another.
This is especially useful if students have a time conflict between the two courses they are exchanging or if they would like to exchange one section of a course for a different section. For classes that have an extremely limited number of open seats, students will no longer need to risk losing a seat in both classes.
Log in to myBoiseState.
Click the Student Center link under My Resources.
Click the Student Homepage tile.
![Select student homepage](
Select Class Search Enrollment
![Select Class Search Enrollment](
Select the Swap Classes tab.
![Example of selecting the Swap Classes tab.](
Select the class you would like to swap from the dropdown menu.
![Example of selecting a class to swap from the drop down menu.](
Any drops will be subject to impacts based on semester enrollment deadlines.
Confirm you are swapping a course and click Continue.
![Example of selecting a method to swap from the multiple swapping methods.](
Select the method by which you would like to select a replacement class, either by class search, by shopping cart, or by entering a class number.
Adjust Enrollment Preferences and click Accept.
![Example of selecting class preferences.](
Click Submit to finish swapping classes.
![Example of clicking the submit button.](
Review for Success Message or any Errors/Notifications.
![Example of message for successfully swapping a class.](
Need Assistance?
Contact the Office of the Registrar at (208) 426-4249, (800) 824-7017, or email