Obtaining a Degree
This section of the Registrar’s site defines the minimum credit requirements for each degree available at Boise State, as well as general policies applying to all degrees. After reading this section, you should visit Majors and Minors where you will find additional requirements you must meet to obtain a degree. These additional requirements (known as major requirements) are specified by the department or interdisciplinary program responsible for the degree you wish to obtain. From time to time, as your academic work progresses, review this site and other relevant Registrar and catalog sites to verify that you are making satisfactory progress toward your academic goals and that you are meeting all the requirements for the degree you seek.
In addition to the information contained in Obtaining a Degree, you can receive information and assistance from your academic advisor. Use this opportunity to consult your advisor about your academic goals and your plans for achieving them. If you have selected a major, you will work with an advisor in the academic department responsible for your major (view advising contacts by major).